Quotes of the Day

Monday, May. 19, 2003

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A pretty Parisian widow is menaced by grisly thugs and wooed by a mysterious man who may want only the money she has but can't find. In 1963 this was a recipe for Stanley Donen's romantic thriller Charade, with Cary Grant and Audrey Hepburn. Now it's a sorry mess called The Truth About Charlie. From Grant and Hepburn in Charade to Mark Wahlberg and Thandie Newton in Charlie, the charisma drop is steeper than that of Martha Stewart's stock price. Director Jonathan Demme's jittery mélange is shot in punishing close-ups by a Ritalin-deprived camera circling the actors like a Formula One driver racing around the Place de la Concorde. Donen got it gloriously right the first time. Why do it again? And why do it like this?

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| Source: The Truth About Charlie Directed by Jonathan Demme